Most mortal leaders or young would-be kings and queens are represented by the aristocrat non-player character class. However, some princes or princesses are touched by a magical patron, fate itself, or some other eldritch power. Whether a jealous witch’s curse or a fairy godmother’s blessing, the royal is changed forever by the otherworldly. A savvy royal learns to turn the weight of her destiny to her advantage, for good or ill.
DESIGNED TO BE EXPERIENCE APPROPRIATE: The royal base class is specifically designed for younger children or new players in mind but also to be enjoyed by players of all ages and experience levels! It is constructed to streamline complex options and introduce core concepts while acting as a stepping stone toward more complicated Pathfinder RPG classes. Younger players will thoroughly enjoy playing a simplified class but more savvy beginners have the options to make decisions for themselves, and potentially explore the various archetypes available for the class. Finally, experienced or older players can make the class far more versatile and modular with the complex destiny rule.