(Hero Kids) After School Adventures – Adventures in Wonderland: #1 Chasing the White Rabbit [PDF] - Playground Adventures

Home (Hero Kids) After School Adventures – Adventures in Wonderland: #1 Chasing the White Rabbit [PDF] - Playground Adventures


On a lazy, do-nothing day the relaxed cloud-gazing of a group of young adventurers is interrupted by the mysterious appearance of a strange, teleporting white rabbit. What follows might be the oddest game of tag ever played, as the adventurers chase the white rabbit through a peculiar and colorful wood only to run afoul of an angry tree. Welcome to Adventures in Wonderland, a family-friendly mini-adventure path for Hero Kids!

Adventures in Wonderland: Chasing the White Rabbit is a fun After School Adventure. After School Adventures are adventure shorts designed to only take a few hours of time to complete.

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