Last month our very first adventure A Friend in Need received two 5 Star reviews! Now the adorable Pixies on Parade by Stephen Rowe has been given a glowing recommendation from our favorite RPG reviewer and we couldn’t be more proud of everyone that worked so hard to make this module beautiful!
Stephen Rowe’s Pixies on Parade is, in one word, inspired: Mirroring classic tropes of the power of imagination and fairy tales, it never crams morality down the throats of the players, while still teaching what’s right and what’s wrong. –Endzeitgeist
In celebration we’ve launched a map folio to go along with the adventure! All five beautiful maps in full page format just in case you’d like to use them as handouts. We hope you enjoy the maps and the adventure as much as we’ve enjoyed making them. Be sure to keep an eye out for the sequel to Pixies on Parade coming soon!
Pixies on Parade is a downright awesome: From the gorgeous maps to the blending of sandboxing in the beginning and a more linear heroes’ journey, this book’s themes are concise…and there is not a single boring encounter in this book, not a single uninspired critter or problematic scene, nothing I could complain about. In one sentence: This is a must-have, perfect module for kids, a great module for adults and a book that should be considered simply inspired in all the right ways. My final verdict will clock in at 5 stars + seal of approval..and considering the perfection, the fact that it transcends the intended target demographic and the map-folio, I will also award this the status as a nominee for my top ten of 2015- Endzeitgeist
You can pick up our maps over at DriveThruRPG and read the remainder of Endzeitgeist’s in depth review from our friends at NerdTrek!