No Thank You Evil on Kickstarter! - Playground Adventures

Home No Thank You Evil on Kickstarter! - Playground Adventures
30 Oct 2016 63 BJ Hensley

“No Thank You Evil is better than candy!”

Our friends at Monte Cook Games are running a Kickstarter to expand No Thank You Evil!! If you don’t already have the original ENnie-award-winning game in your collection, you can pick it up during the Kickstarter, and you should! 

While we don’t currently offer content from Playground for NTYE we hope to in the future and it’s still a fantastic product that children can be excited about that easily inspires a love of table top gaming. It certainly has our seal of approval!

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and reserve your copy before it’s too late!



About No Thank You Evil


After a night of weird dreams, you wake up in a prison made of unpoppable balloons. Who put you there and how can you escape? Maybe that guard by the door can help.

When we originally came up with the idea for No Thank You, Evil!, our family roleplaying game, we were both excited and nervous. Excited because we were doing something that we were passionate about and making something that we hoped families would play and enjoy. And nervous because we were trying to make something new, and we couldn’t know how it would be received until it was already out in the world.

Now, No Thank You, Evil! has been out in the world since early this year and we’re so happy at the response! We’re really proud that the game won an ENnie award this year for Best Family Game 2016. But even more so, we’re honored that we’ve heard from so many families who are playing and enjoying No Thank You, Evil! together.

We’ve also heard a lot of requests for more stuff for No Thank You, Evil! Namely for more adventures and adventure ideas. So, that’s what we’re going to do!

Starting October 26th, we’ll be kicking off a new Kickstarter – No Thank You, Evil! The Adventures Continue– that includes two brand-new products.


The first is Story, Please! An Adventure-Building Deck. The 100-card deck is stuffed full of evocative art and creative ideas, letting you quickly build hundreds of unique adventures for No Thank You, Evil! The deck is the same size as the cards in the original game, allowing you to use it in conjunction with Creature and Cypher Cards as well.

The deck includes:

  • 20 Story Cards: These give you the basis for the adventure. Each card has an evocative piece of art, as well as three ideas to give the Guide to a variety of suggestions to choose from.
  • 20 Place Cards: Location ideas for the beginning, end, or mid-point of an adventure. Like Story Cards, Place Cards feature art on one side, and three written suggestions on the other.
  • 20 People Cards: Characters who might help, hinder, or otherwise interact with the characters. Art on one side makes it easy to show players what a character looks like. Stats on the other side make it easy for the Guide to keep track.
  • 10 Twist Cards: Complications that the players might encounter along the way.


  • 10 Stuff Cards: Objects and equipment that can be used as treasure, rewards, and goals.
  • 10 Map Cards: Blank maps of buildings, spaceships, caverns, and more.  On the back are 10 interconnecting tiles that can be used to build a larger map for players to explore.


  • 10 Handout Cards: Invitations, wanted posters, tickets, and old letters which can be handed to players to start an adventure. Or that could be discovered during a current adventure to kick off the next one.

The second product we want to make is Uh-Oh, Monsters! This monster-themed expansion will include a bestiary, an adventure book with maps, new creature cards, and creature standups. Everything you need to expand Storia, tell fun stories of interesting monsters, and have great new adventures.

Will you help us spread the word about the Kickstarter and get people excited? Just share this link, tell your friends, or share or tweet the images below. And we hope to see you on October 26th for the launch of Story, Please! and Uh-Oh Monsters!



Category: Playground News

